Bright ‘n Green Certified Highest Level National Green Building Standard
The National Association of Homebuilders' National Green Building Standard (NGBS) program is the only Green Certification program endorsed by the ICC (International Code Council). The Standard has four levels: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Emerald. Bright 'n Green achieves the Emerald NGBS Green Certification level....
Living Building Petals Talk & Tour
On Thursday December 5th, in conjunction with the Living Building Institute and the Brooklyn Chapter of the AIA, Bright 'n Green hosted a talk on two of the most important petals of the Living Building challenge: water and materials at the Scarano 110 York Street office. After...
Declare Products Materials Guide
Wouldn't it seem that finding out where a product is made is an easy task? Not so. In my quest as a researcher to purchase locally made, sustainably manufactured products for Bright 'n Green, I've repeatedly run into difficulty with the transparency of processes behind many products. To...