Recent Check-ins – Enavant Fitness Studio @ Bright ‘n Green
21 Oct 2015, Posted by Blog inTake a look behind the scenes from the Enavant studio at Bright ‘n Green, follow @EnavantFitness on Instagram for latest schedule.

The light within me honors the light within you…We are One.?
Tomorrow’s 9:30am Express Barre Class is Full. ???
There are a few spots left in 10:30am Zen Pilates.
Please contact me if you would like a spot.
Private & Semi-Private Classes are available by appointment.
#enavantfitness #health #wellness #pilates #fitness #loveyourbody #loveyourself #namaste

YASSSS!!! ?????? Pilates Circuit Class!! Great work, Ladies!! ??????
#enavantfitness #pilatescircuit #sweat #sculpt #stretch #pilates #core #booty #health #wellness#loveyourbody #loveyourself


Thank you all for an amazing class today. Your energy, enthusiasm and hard work continues to inspire me!! ❤, Janine
#enavantfitness #barre #pilates #balance #core #flexibility #health #wellness #gratitude #loveyourbody#loveyourself #namaste ??
