Green Building Initiative Green Globes Professional Certification
18 Mar 2014, Posted by Awards & Certifications
2014 Green Building Initiative Green Globes Professional Certfication...
2014 Green Building Initiative Green Globes Professional Certfication...
We recently completed a Green Globes® New Construction Stage II Assessment for the Bright ‘n Green Condominiums in Brooklyn, New York. Bright ‘n Green achieved a score of 837 out of 912 available points for a score of 92{7330b322b9b7d58bddbbaef66cde22ad1f12db8c79c6d80901517aa2b253a342} which is equivalent to Four Green...
Bright 'n Green will be the only of its kind to harness all of the earth's resources to run it all the while regenerating and restoring the ecosystem around it. We will be the first building designed to get ALL of the following certifications some of...