
Sustainable Design for Kids in Queens NYC

Sustainable Design for Kids in Queens NYC

30 Jul 2015, Posted by admin0 in Events

Last year the Children’s Library Discovery Center at Queens Central Library received LEED Gold Certification! The sustainable design features consist of a high-performance façade, energy-efficient mechanical systems and lighting, radiant floor heating, recycled and low-emitting materials, and water conservation. These features are highlighted graphically throughout the building to inform visitors about the sustainable aspects of the space.

Head over to Queens Public Libraries this Summer for their Sustainable Architecture for Kids programs and the National Grid Energy Fair!

National Grid Energy Fair

The entire family can participate in this afternoon of energy-related activities and information. Join ArchForKids, the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum, Materials for the Arts and the Mr. Wizard of Queens, Vinnie Voltage, for projects and demonstrations. Make a windmill. Build a circuit and generate electricity. Get your face painted! Everyone is welcome at this event, made possible by funding from National Grid.

8/1/15 – 2:00pm
Location : Cambria Heights
8/8/15 – 11:00am
Location: Ridgewood

Arch for Kids Sustainable Design Series

A series of hands-on workshops for young people age 7 and up focusing on sustainable design and renewable resources. Students will learn about sustainability and complete different craft projects that highlight what they learned.

7/31/15 – 11:30am
Location: Ridgewood
8/6/15 – 2:30pm
Location: Cambria Heights

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